Calcite is the principal component of marbles and limestones. It is found at locations throughout the world. Calcite also occurs are large, colorless, transparent, complex crystals, or as prismatic crystals inter-grown with other minerals. Because of its softness, it is only cut for collectors. However, marbles and brown-banded calcite from limestone caves are both used for carving and decoration.

1. Calcite Fairy Stone

Calcite fairy stone is a greyish-beige gemstone. It has smooth, rounded, and flattened discs. Calcite fairy stone is a rare mineral that occurs in Canada. It looks rather like little aliens, insects, or ancient goddesses. The pseudomorphs are created when calcite is settled into glacial clay. If a calcite fairy stone adopts you, it acts as a ‘little helper,’ taking care of details and providing a safe nurturing space in which to work both practically and spiritually.

Spiritually, calcite fairy stones have a strong link to the nurturing energies of the Earth Mother and to female power. It reminds us that raising vibrations, or ascending, does not mean losing touch with the necessities of the earth. This stone teaches care and concern for the planet and all those upon it at a pragmatic rather than an idealistic level.

Calcite fairy stone believes in getting things done in the most practical way possible. It assists in channeling, but there is nothing airy-fairy about the information it offers – it is basic, grounded, and to the point. A useful stone for opening a shamanic anchor for lower-world journeys or the earth potion of a cosmic anchor, it attaches you to the earth’s core.

So, you can ride out and ground earth-energy changes, but it requires a higher-vibration stone, such as stellar beam calcite to reach the galactic center.

Psychologically, calcite fairy stone assists in dismantling defensive walls you have built around old hurts that lock you into old pain. In dissolving a fight-or-flight reflex or conditioned reaction, it teaches how to respond positively to each new situation.

Each new stone has unique energy according to its shape; meditate with it to learn how it wants to work with you and the specific gift it offers.

Calcite Fairy Stone Healing Properties

Calcite fairy stone is ideal for arthritic pain and dissolving calcifications.


Italy is the most popular source of fine-quality marbles. The creamy Carrara marble is particularly famous. Transparent, colorless rhombs are called ‘Iceland spar’. It is a white fibrous variety, and when cut en cabochon, shows the cat’s-eye effect. Pink and green crystals occur in Germany, the USA, and England.

2. Cobalto-Calcite

Cobalto-calcite occurs as vivid pink crystals on the matrix. It has transparent to opaque crystals. Cobalto-calcite is associated with unconditional love and forgiveness and is attuned to the pink flame of pure, compassionate love. A stone of self-discovery, it connects the heart with the mind. If you are uncertain where you need to go spiritually, gentle cobalto-calcite helps you to find your innate talents and life purpose.

Psychologically, cobalto-calcite helps to transfer ideas into action without forcing the pace. It harmonizes the intellect and the emotions, bringing the two into balance. This compassionate stone is effective for emotional healing and overcoming emotional blocks, loneliness, grief, or a broken heart. It calms intense feelings, assisting in loving yourself and others, and promotes a sense of feeling about your life.

Encouraging emotional maturation sends out a profoundly nurturing energy that helps you to mother yourself. It is extremely supportive for those who have chosen to carry pain for other people or the planet, and for those who have given up hope. It also shows whether taking on other people’s pain is appropriate, gently cutting the ties if it is not, and promoting forgiveness on both sides.

Cobalto-Calcite Healing Properties

For distance healing, program cobalto-calcite to send pink light to support someone in becoming all that they might be, then place the stone on a photograph of that person or program it to heal disease wherever it may be. Cobalto-calcite works best at the emotional level of being, erasing scars and bringing more love into the physical body.


Cobalto-Calcite occurs in Peru, Iceland, Romania, Brazil, Slovakia, Germany, Belgium, Czech Republic, Britain, and the United States.

3. Hematoid Calcite

Hematoid calcite appears as a reddish yellow stone in its natural formation. It is in the shape of large squares or planes of opaque crystals. Hematoid calcite combines the stabilizing power of hematite with the purifying energies of calcite. It is an excellent stone for grounding and assimilating influxes of energy. You should hold it or place it over the base chakra for five or ten minutes or until the energy stabilizes.

Carry this powerfully protective stone when you are in a strong energy field, particularly if the energies clash, as it quickly cleanses and harmonizes the environment.

Psychologically, this stone is helpful for anyone who has become locked into a predator pattern, stopping at nothing to get what they want and ignoring the needs and feelings of others, or for instance who is the apparent victim of such a person, but who is, in reality, punishing themselves for their own perceived guilt and inadequacy. Hematoid Calcite enables you to step forward to mutual cooperation.

Mentally, hematoid calcite is a supportive stone for memory. So, if you have senior moments or lose things or cannot remember birthdays or names, keep this stone with you at all times. It ameliorates mental confusion, restoring lucidity and structuring thought.

Physically, hematoid calcite instills vitality and supports self-healing encouraging the body to mobilize its natural defenses.

Environmentally, hematoid calcite is handy for grinding a workplace, particularly if this is a site of ego conflict or manipulation. Hematoid stabilizes the emotional field and calcite pours soothing energy into the environment, restoring peace and harmony.

Hematoid Calcite Healing Properties

Hematoid Calcite is beneficial for stress, oxygenation, blood cleansing, and memory.


Hematoid calcite occurs in Romania, Iceland, Peru, Slovakia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Britain, and the United States.

4. Icicle Calcite

Icicle calcite appears as whitish-yellow and orange stone. It has long and finger-like crystals that are mostly opaque. Icicle Calcite is a spiritual and pragmatic guidance crystal that fires creativity at all levels. Spiritually, it is a powerful amplifier of energy with strong purifying and cleansing properties that quickly remove stagnant energies wherever they are located.

The white portion of icicle calcite acts like a wand to pull multi-dimensional disease disharmony, negativity, or blockages from the physical or etheric body. Once the crystal has been cleansed, the site can then be repaired and re-energized with the orange portion, bringing the body back into balance on all levels.

Psychologically, calcite connects the mind and emotions and increases the ability to see things in a new way. Icicle calcite helps you to understand and clear the root causes of psychosomatic disease and ancestral-line DNA imbalances. It takes you back into past situations, reframes them, and transmits healing backward and forward down the ancestral line so that the problem does not arise in the present.

Emotionally, icicle calcite gently releases fear and alleviates emotional stress, replacing it with serenity. It insists that you step forward into the future to live out your purpose with courage, conviction, and certainty that you are following the path of your soul. Whenever you feel in need of support, hold icicle calcite and request assistance.

Icicle Calcite Healing Properties

Icicle calcite works etherically or physically to get rid of blockages and re-energize cells.


Icicle Calcite occurs in Romania, Iceland, Peru, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Belgium, Britain, and the United States.

5. Stellar Beam Calcite

Stellar Beam Calcite is a yellow or whitish-yellow stone. It has clear and blade-like double-terminated crystals. Stellar Beam Calcite is named for its multi- and inter-dimensional properties and for its perceived ability to link to spaceships and extra-terrestrials.

The double terminations of Stellar Beam Calcite channel a dual-beam of powerful energy that lifts to exceedingly high vibration and, on the soma or stellar gateway chakras. It facilitates travel across vast distances in time and space. Also, it is excellent in the center of the medicine wheel.

Spiritually, on the third eye or crown chakra, Stellar Beam Calcite opens the higher crown and soul star chakras and facilitates attunement to divine energy, higher guidance, and elevated levels of consciousness. Taking you directly into the heart of All That Is, it lights the way back and assists in remembering what happens in outer or inner dimensions, accelerating spiritual growth.

Stellar Beam Calcite takes you to the galactic center to anchor the upper end of a cosmic anchor but requires a lower-vibration stone, such as Calcite Fairy Stone to anchor into the earth’s core.

Psychologically, it assists in breaking old patterns, including spiritual beliefs or pathways that no longer serve your purpose, and moving forward on your soul path. It takes you to the ‘planning meeting’ in the between-life state to ascertain your soul purpose and the life you were born to live and brings forward wisdom and skills from the far past. It attunes to your soul group and the higher purpose of the group.

Emotionally, Stellar Beam Calcite helps you to immerse yourself in mutual love, tenderness, and desire. An amplifier and purifier of energy, this stone cleanses anything negative picked up during spiritual journeying or healing work.

Stellar Beam Calcite Healing Properties

Stellar Beam Calcite works beyond the physical level of being to heal the soul, aligning and integrating energies into subtle bodies and healing the etheric blueprint.


Stellar Beam Calcite occurs in Tennessee (the United States).

5. Starburst Dogstooth Calcite

Starburst Dogstooth Calcite disperses blockages, connects you to infinity of All That Is, and takes you traveling past present, or future lives on earth or with the stars to map your overall soul purpose. It can be used to stabilize brain patterns in epilepsy, ameliorate vertigo or tinnitus and restore the etheric body following drug abuse or the side effects of prescription drugs.

Calcite Properties

  • Specific Gravity: 2.71
  • Refractive Index: 1.48-1.66
  • Birefringence (DR): 0.172
  • Luster: Vitreous to pearly
  • Crystal Structure: Trigonal
  • Composition: Calcium carbonate
  • Hardness: 3

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